Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Global Warming

erebus.jpgMany scientists have argued and debated over the topic of global warming.  Most of the credible experts believe that global warming is happening and that it is a serious threat to our biosphere and overall environment.  Others have come to the conclusion that global warming has always been happening, and that just because the Earth is heating, it doesn’t mean that it will be negatively affecting us.  I believe that based on the explanations that these particular scientists provide us with, they are correct.  They have many points of reasoning behind these statements.  For example, scientific proof justifies that Earth’s climate has been both colder and warmer than it is today.  This piece of evidence makes it hard to believe that the current state of the Earth is jeopardized.  These scientists also believe that Earth will adapt to the changes in heat because it has in the past.  

The scientists that agree that global warming isn’t a threat to the biosphere have also studied less obvious reasoning and proof behind their proposal.  An example of one of this proof is that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t changed in the past 10 years, which would mean that global warming isn’t even happening, or that it has stayed at the same rate for the given amount of time.  I agree with this point of view because the proof is easy to understand, and it backs up the fact that global warming isn’t affecting the biosphere in any way.  Since this statement is true, ice (glaciers, ice sheets), animals, plants, and humans will remain safe and unharmed as long as global warming stays at a safe rate.

Works Cited
"The Global Warming Debate." Week 7:. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.
"Impacts of Global Warming." Impacts of Global Warming. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2014.


  1. We both agreed that global warming is happening but I believe that it is affecting our biosphere negatively. Yes the earth has been both colder and warmer then it is today but that is just another sign of how global warming is affecting our biosphere. With global warming happening it has been changing our climate more rainfall in already rainy areas and less rain fall in already dry areas. The earth may be colder at times but that could only be temporarily it's if it gets hotter or warmer that is of great concern to the biosphere.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After analyzing several articles and observing data that addresses the concerns about climate change, I feel that we are not taking this issue seriously. Yes, it is true that our Earth adapts to these changes in increasing global temperatures, but how far can we push our limits by constantly emitting fossil fuels into the atmosphere before the Earth simply cannot sustain us anymore? Your argument is valid, as there has been fluctuation in weather patterns well before global warming became such a common topic. However, it is when drought, flooding, severe weather and melting of ice that was once metres thick becomes a daily occurrence, is when we must look at this issue more thoughtfully
