Climate Change:
A REAL Problem
By: Aidan Massad
Global warming is a real threat. Not some random theory pulled out of a hat, but a real problem that is already affecting and is going to affect future generations to come. Whether you think that this is a natural change or not, making a difference for the near future, will ensure a safer world for you and me.
CO2 levels are rising, and are rising fast. Being a greenhouse gas, CO2 will trap more infrared rays and will make the global climate climb. As more and more CO2 gases are released into the atmosphere more dramatic differences will occur. As many discuss, polar bears in the arctic are slowly losing their habitat and since the polar bears live within the polar ice caps that means more and more ice is melting rather than the ice growing or being stable. While losing the polar ice caps the sea levels are rising. With most of our major cities across the world being on the coast, they will see severe flooding in those areas. As well with the rising sea levels the habitats on the coast with begin to disappear. With that being said the climate rise in such a hurry, more fierce weather patterns will occur in places that wouldn't normally get bad storms like hurricanes and tornadoes.
If Climate change just gets looked at as a theory, no change will be made. With more dramatic weather patterns including tornadoes and hurricanes our future generations future will be effected greatly. Together we can make a change. Whether it is composting, recycling or just walking to get groceries instead of driving then slowly, change will happen. Remember, "Without the ecosystem in tact, our economy will collapse." - Leonardo Dicaprio.
I do agree with what you are saying but there are many scientific facts to prove that global warming is not a threat to the world for instance, the hockey stick graph in the picture above is unrealistic and fake because of the time frame and the scales provided. Secondly global warming is not a threat because the most accurate data- from staellights confirm that there has been virtually no global warming since 1998. From these facts proven, global warming is not an effect to our Earth.