Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Is Global Warming an effect

Is Global Warming an effect

Do I think Global warming is a big concern to the world? Yes I do think it’s a big concern and I think  global warming is affecting everyone. I think, as our climate changes, it’s affecting everyone’s health with the risk of injuries, illnesses and death from things like heat waves, wildfires, intense storms and flood rises because if the temperature keeps rising it will start affecting people’s health. Global climate change has already had observable effects on  things like the environment. Glaciers have been shrinking. The ranges of the plants and animals have shifted  and trees are flowering sooner.

Global warming has started to melt the ice sheets and started decreased the population of the polar bear. ⅔ ‘s of the polar bears  population will decrease by 2050. A polar bear is a mammal that spends more time in  sea than on land.  
     The  greenhouse gas emissions from all  human activities are  increasing , they build up in the atmosphere and warm the climate, leading to many other different  changes around the world—in the atmosphere, on land, and oceans. The changes are  both positive and negative effects on everything including people, society and the environment—including both  plants and animals. After being released in the atmosphere many of the major greenhouse gases stay up in the atmosphere  for tens to hundreds of years afterwards  over a long period of time the warming effects on the climate continue to change therefore this can affect the generation of today and all future generations.

This is why I think global warming is an effect to everyone and everything .

Climate Change Is Not A Big Deal

I believe climate change is not that big a deal because the earth has been having spikes in temperature for the last 400,000 years and the current spike in temperature is the lowest it has been through those years however I have realized that there is a relationship between co2 levels in the atmosphere and the earth's global temperature it has been happening throughout that time span and currently the co2 levels are the highest they have ever been that means the temperature should be the highest it has ever been so my argument is if the earth has handled higher temperatures I believe it can handle this one

Global Warming

Scientist are making Global Warming sound way worse than what it actually is, so therefor we have nothing to worry about because, scientist have no solid proof that climate change is actually happening. I believe that climate change is just a theory and so I have nothing to worry about along with hundreds of thousands of other people on the planet. Yes CO2 levels are happening but they will not be affecting us because again they are all just theory’s. I also believe that it is just the earth’s natural cycle and the earth will adapt to anything it needs to because it has so far and we are all still here and it has not yet affected us. Another reason Global Warming is not a problem is because there is physical or virtual proof that Global Warming is actually happening. Yes there is climate change happening and the temperatures are rising but that will not affect us. the sun is expanding which is making the temperatures causing the solar flares to get trapped in the atmosphere. the reason the tempatures are riseing is because it is the cycle of the earth it will cool down agian. These are my reasons for not believing in Climate change and Global Warming.

Global Warming. It's not of major concern

To fellow bloggers,

I personally believe that climate change is not something that is of major concern to earth.  This is because going back thousands of years you will see on record that the earth has undergone many extreme climate changes and has consistently adapted and survived.  Also 16 scientists all have said that the mean temperature of the earth has not changed in over a decade.  Many climatologists believe that ecosystems and animals will not be able to adapt to the changing climate around them but animals and ecosystems as a whole show signs of adaptation to climate change all the time.  Some signs of adaption to weather is shown through hibernation in certain types of animals, and even through animals with fur like cats who have thick coats during the winter and thin ones during the summer. 

So is global warming as big an issue as everyone is making it out to be?

Global Warming Does Matter

Global warming. A concern to all. It is something we should take into consideration because if we don't, we will not have a sustainable economy, and without a sustainable economy our world will just crumble. Everyone needs to take this more seriously because this is our future,our world, we need to take care of it.

Global warming is causing so much problems, like the thinning in the ozone layer, which is causing more UV radiation to go through, therefore it is causing more heat to come in and it is melting the ice glaciers. Because this is happening, loss of habitat is now a problem. Polar bears are becoming extinct because their habitat is melting all because of Global Warming. We need to do something about this. If we don't, we, as the youth, will pay for it later in life with our sea levels rising, habitat loss, temperature rising and so much more.

Climate Change is None Existant

Is Global Warming a Real Threat to the Biosphere?

The Earth will change and adapt with the increasing climate over time !

Natural environmental changes cause global warming more that human activities.

Everyone that think global warming is a threat to the biosphere are just over exaggerating and it is not true at all

    I personally think that global warming is not a big threat to the biosphere. Our world has always adapted to changes on Earth and it can and will do it once again. The Earth has been here for millions of years and it will continue to sustain life on earth. The things causing global warming is mostly natural causes for an example methane gasses coming from cow flatulences being released into the atmosphere. Everyone thinks that climate change is a huge threat to the world buts its not, our planet has been here for millions of years and it still stands today, sustainable for life on earth, I don't think that some heat will change it.

This graph shows the years in the past where global warming did not occur.

Global warming is nothing to worry about!

Global Warming Is Not a Big Deal


Global Warming        

Scientists believe that global warming is founded all over the world and is causing a problem to the environment, but I think not! There are many reasons why global warming is and is not an issue in this world.
One reason why global warming is not an issue to the Earth is because climate change is no longer a debate over science but it is political and economical. 
A second reason why climate change is not a problem to the Earth is that the most accurate data -from satellites confirm that there has been virtually no global warming since 1998. This means that in today's society there is no data containing any evidence to support their theory on global warming. Yes CO2 levels are increasing and the temperature is steadily increasing as well but this is not because of global warming but is because of the sun’s solar flares are increasing and the temperature is increasing. Also the hockey stick graph as presented by many scientists show that the graph is not to scale and is improper and unrealistic. Overall global warming is not a major concern to our climate and economy .

In the video above, it shows that global warming is not a big concern and citizens do not believe that it is a problem. Everybody has their own opinion in life and I say that there is nothing wrong with this world and I have scientific facts to prove this theory. In conclusion, global warming is not a big deal and is not harming our world.

Why Are We So Worried About Climate Change?

The earth is warming, so what? Scientists have been debating majorly in the last years about the climate change on earth. Some believe that the earth is in danger due to global warming, and some believe that global warming will have no affect at all. But, climate has been changing ever since the earth was formed? So this global warming will be just another bump in the road for our earth. All the debating about climate change is crazy, I would have to agree with the denial of the fact that global warming is jeopardizing.
Scientists have gathered facts, and proven that the earths climate has been colder (ice age) and warmer than it is today. This means, the earth has been able to withstand far worse climate and that the global warming controversy of today is pointless. It is safe to say that our earth isn't in jeopardy.


In the above picture, it shows how temperatures have been changing for thousands of years even before industrialization, which is one of the major arguments scientists have that is causing the global warming in our generation.
Our earth will be able to adapt to the climate change, along with the animals and plants. Every scientist and citizen will not have to worry, global warming is not an affect ! There is no convincing evidence to make global warming a huge threat or make any one worried about our earth.

Is Global Warming A Real Threat?

Yes global warming is a huge threat to the people and the earth. There are many bad things that can happen if it gets out of control. For example, loss of habitat, and loss of all the arctic ice. 

As the arctic ice is melting rapidly each day the polar bears are losing there there places to hunt and rest. This means that they will at some point in time die out. 

Global Warming Is A Real Threat!

There has been tons of debate over global warming and if it's a real threat or not.  Personally, I believe it is definitely happening.  Some scientists have the same opinion as me and think something needs to be done immediately, while others believe the earth will just endure everything thrown at it.  The levels of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and other greenhouse gases are rising.  More greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, means more of the sun’s energy will be trapped and radiated back to earth.  This causes the global temperature to rise.  

The temperature rising a few degrees may not seem like a big deal, but it is.  A higher temperature may not affect us right away, but it affects certain plants and animals.  An example is the Polar Bear.  Glaciers and ice caps that Polar Bears live on will melt due to a higher temperature.  The poor bears will often drown because they have to swim for so long just to find another piece of ice to rest on.  This is slowly but surely wiping out their population.  According to scientists, today, Polar Bears are on the edge of becoming extinct.  We obviously need to make a change.


"Climate Change." Polar Bears International. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014. <http://www.polarbearsinternational.org/about-polar-bears/essentials/climate-change>. 

Global Warming IS A Concern

Global Warming Is A Concern
By: Angela Boui

            Everyone always questions, "Is global warming a real threat to the biosphere?", "Is climate change a big problem?" Many people agree that it is a problem. However, many disagree that it is just a hoax and scientist are exaggerating the truth. Scientists may exaggerate a bit, but it is for the sake of our planet, the sake for our future generations. Over the years climate change has been affecting our Earth in many ways. From higher temperatures, rising sea levels, wildlife at risk and extreme weather change. Yet these are only some of the problems we face from climate change.

                                                                                      Higher Temperatures

The Greenhouse Effect has played a big part in climate change and global warming. Without it we would not be able to live, we would freeze to death. However, with its positive side, there is a negative side to it.  With our human activities, we have caused a major increase in the temperatures. We have increased the amount of greenhouse gases, which is mainly CO2, by burning fossil fuels excessively. With all those gases and CO2 emissions, the Earth’s temperature today has been to believed one of the fastest rises in a thousand years. It may not seem much but at this pace, if nothing is done the temperature may rise from 3 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century.

       Rising Sea Levels & Wildlife At Risk
From the increase of temperatures, global warming has caused the melting of ice sheets in both the South and North poles. It was said that the sea levels had risen from 4 to 8 inches in the past century. The pace of the melting ice has already started to accelerate and within a hundred years, the sea level could rise to between 4 and 36 inches. Not only does the sea level affect humans living within three feet of it, but it also affects polar bears in the wild. With the melting of the ice sheets polar bears must now swim long distances to reach another ice sheet. The polar bears are also going hungry because their main source of food (the seals) are now able to poke up anywhere for air. Unlike before they were forced to go through breathing holes where the polar bears would eat them. Finally, to make matters worse they are losing their natural habit, all due to global warming and climate change.

You see? Global warming is a threat to our Biosphere. It is causing problems all over the world. The problems mentioned in this blog were only a few cases. However, there are many more problems, and there will be more to come if we do not stop or try to prevent global warming and climate change. Change won't happen if climate change is not taken seriously.

 "There is no plan B because we don't have Planet B."- Ban Ki-moon


"Climate Change Impacts & Threats | The Nature Conservancy." Climate Change Impacts & Threats | The Nature Conservancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2014.

"Consequences of Global Warming – Global Warming Effects | NRDC."Consequences of Global Warming - Global Warming Effects | NRDC. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2014.

"Climate Change - Threats and Solutions." OCHA. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.